en direct

  • 92.6 Pontivy
  • 94.8 Vannes
  • 97.3 Lorient
  • 101.7 Nord-Morbihan

L'Oreille de Moscou change les Bougies !!!

L'Oreille de Moscou change les Bougies !!!

Playlist d'anniv' Polly jean Harvey "Send His Love To Him" Bertrand Betsch "Les Vents Contraires" Pokey LaFarge "Close The Door" Lo'Jo "Brian Guédon" Tycho Brahé "I'll Be Your Mirror ft Watine" John Robinson & Kyo Itachi "Mystical Strings" Count Bass D & Dj Crucial "Mood Volume" Sweatshop Union "Sink Or Swim" Visage "Diaries Of A Madman" Rodrigo Campos "Beco" Bertrand Belin "ça va ça va ça va" Swann "Love You Tonight" Mendelson "Le Jour où" Akamatsu "A L'intérieur" Black Dog "Atavistic Resurgence" Tricky "Valentine"

L'Oreille de Moscou


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