
  • 92.6 Pondi
  • 94.8 Gwened
  • 97.3 An Oriant
  • 101.7 Norzh Mor-Bihan

KASABIAN "Velociraptor !" (2011) 5/5

KASABIAN "Velociraptor !" (2011) 5/5

JEFFERSON AIRPLANE "High flying bird" in Jefferson Airplane takes off (1966 . RCA) NOEL GALLAGHER "Everybody's on the run" in Noel Gallagher's high flying birds (2011 . Sour Mash) NOEL GALLAGHER "The death of you and me" in Noel Gallagher's high flying birds (2011 . Sour Mash) KASABIAN "Days are forgotten" in Velociraptor ! (2011 . Columbia) THE WATERBOYS feat. KATIE KIM "Sweet dancer" in An appointment with Mr Yeats (2011 . Proper Records) KASABIAN "Goodbye kiss" in Velociraptor ! (2011 . Columbia) Ohpenn d'o lehienn ofissiel e hellit mont da visitiñ unan e galleg, lan a ditourow anehi iwe.

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