
  • 92.6 Pondi
  • 94.8 Gwened
  • 97.3 An Oriant
  • 101.7 Norzh Mor-Bihan

Kevin Ayers "A boy in a swing"

Kevin Ayers "A boy in a swing"

Après une introduction poétique avec les extraits de trois pianistes qui tournent en boucle sur ma platine, Les Instantanés s'intéressent au bassiste, guitariste, chanteur, compositeur rêveur Kevin Ayers. Après les Wilde Flowers et Soft Machine, Ayers s'exile volontairement aux baléares pour des "vacances perpétuelles". De là-bas il produira quelques disques en solo que je vous propose de re-découvrir. En avant-goût voici les paroles d'une chanson phare (Whatevershebringswesing) : I'm looking 'round madly For something to find That might give se a front To put something, something behind. Just bouncing this ball Up and down the hall But it's full of best wishes And suffocating fishes, and all. So, let's drink some wine And have a good time. But if you really want to come through Let the good time, good time have you. It's what you've got to do. You said it was foolish For me to be sad; But I'm very hungry, and you.. You're very well fed, You're such a fat lady. And I'm talking to you Just for something to do 'cause I'd much rather kiss you But I know, I'm gonna miss you Again and again, I know I'm gonna miss you. So, let's drink some wine, etc. I sing to the island That sings in your head 'cause I know you'd much rather be there Be there instead. I know you'd rather be there... But you won't find the answer Even when the wind blows; 'cause the answer, my friend Is in front.. Right there in front of your nose Everybody knows, it's their nose. So, let's drink some wine, etc.

Les instantanés

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