
  • 92.6 Pondi
  • 94.8 Gwened
  • 97.3 An Oriant
  • 101.7 Norzh Mor-Bihan

EMILY LOIZEAU "Mothers & tygers" (2012) 3/4

EMILY LOIZEAU "Mothers & tygers" (2012) 3/4

EMILY LOIZEAU "Pays sauvage" in Pays sauvage (2009 . Polydor) THOMAS FERSEN "Rititi ratata (Il parait qu'elles aiment)" in Pièce montée des grands jours (2003 . TôtOuTard) > Lehienn ofissiel EMILY LOIZEAU feat. THOMAS FERSEN "The princess and the toad" in Mothers & tygers (2012 . Polydor) BUFFY SAINTE MARIE "My country 'tis of thy people you're dying" in Little wheel spin and spin (1966 . Vanguard) > Lehienn ofissiel EMILY LOIZEAU "May the beauty make me walk" in Mothers & tygers (2012 . Polydor) > Lehienn ofissiel

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