
  • 92.6 Pondi
  • 94.8 Gwened
  • 97.3 An Oriant
  • 101.7 Norzh Mor-Bihan

FOSTER THE PEOPLE "Torches" (2011) 3/4

FOSTER THE PEOPLE "Torches" (2011) 3/4

///Adskignet a-ziàr abadenn an 9.11.2011/// FOSTER THE PEOPLE "Call it what you want" in Torches (2011 . Columbia) BLOC PARTY "Like eating glass" in Silent alarm (2005 . Wichita) BLOC PARTY "Like eating glass" in Intimacy (2008 . Atlantic) CRYSTAL CASTLES "Celestica" in Crystal Castles (2010 . Universal) Ewid klewed toniow arall ged Crystal Castles : o fajenn MySpace hag o lehienn ofissiel. THE RAPTURE "How deep is your love" in In the grace of your love (2011 . Universal) Un nebeud titourow a-zivoud The Rapture àr o lehienn. FOSTER THE PEOPLE "Don't stop (Color the walls)" in Torches (2011 . Columbia) Ewid moned pelloh ged Foster The People : o lehienn ofissiel e galleg hag e meur a yezh, pe hoazh iwe o fajenn MySpace, ewid un nebeud toniow da selow hag an abadennow-koñsert.

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