
  • 92.6 Pondi
  • 94.8 Gwened
  • 97.3 An Oriant
  • 101.7 Norzh Mor-Bihan

BRETON "Other people's problems" (2012) 3/4

BRETON "Other people's problems" (2012) 3/4

SINÉAD O'CONNOR "The wolf is getting married" in How about I be me (And you be you) ? (2012 . Shamrock Solutions / One Little Indian) > Lehienn ofissiel BRETON "Electrician" in Other people's problems (2012 . FatCat) > Lehienn ofissiel > Pajenn MySpace ANIMAL COLLECTIVE "Prospect hummer" in EP Prospect hummer (2005 . FatCat) ANIMAL COLLECTIVE "Bees" in Feels (2005 . FatCat) > Lehienn ofissiel MÚM "Sing along" in Sing along to songs you don't know (2009 . Morr Music) > Lehienn ofissiel

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