
  • 92.6 Pondi
  • 94.8 Gwened
  • 97.3 An Oriant
  • 101.7 Norzh Mor-Bihan

PORTICO QUARTET "Portico Quartet" (2012) 5/5

PORTICO QUARTET "Portico Quartet" (2012) 5/5

PORTICO QUARTET "Paper scissors stone" in Isla (2009 . RealWorld) ROBERT WYATT "Hasta siempre comandante" in Comicopera (2007 . Domino Records) PORTICO QUARTET "Rubidium" in Portico Quartet (2011 . RealWorld) > Lehienn ofissiel THE DAVE BRUBECK QUARTET "Three to get ready" in Time out (1959 . Columbia)

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