
  • 92.6 Pondi
  • 94.8 Gwened
  • 97.3 An Oriant
  • 101.7 Norzh Mor-Bihan

LEONARD COHEN "Old ideas" (2012) 5/5

LEONARD COHEN "Old ideas" (2012) 5/5

LEONARD COHEN "Show me the place" in Old ideas (2012 . Columbia) LLOYD COLE "Chelsea Hotel" in I'm your fan (1991 . Atlantic) STING & THE CHIEFTAINS "Sisters of mercy" in Tower of song (1995 . A&M) FRANÇOISE HARDY "Suzanne" in Comment te dire adieu (1968 . Vogue) > Lehienn ofissiel WHITNEY HOUSTON "My name is not Susan" in I'm your baby tonight (1990 . Arista) > Lehienn ofissiel LEONARD COHEN "Lullaby" in Old ideas (2012 . Columbia) > Lehienn ofissiel

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